How to prepare for CX 310-083 exam.
The CX310-083 (Sun Certified Web Component Developer for the Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition 1.5) test checks your ability to use the basic syntax and structure of the Servlet and JSP pages. This test requires you to have a good understanding of Java, Servlets, and JSP pages, and the ability to write code for well-defined […]
Aaquib Ahmed
The CX310-083 (Sun Certified Web Component Developer for the Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition 1.5) test checks your ability to use the basic syntax and structure of the Servlet and JSP pages. This test requires you to have a good understanding of Java, Servlets, and JSP pages, and the ability to write code for well-defined design applications. For this purpose, along with studying books and taking various practice tests, you should also practice with Servlets and JSP code. This will let you learn a lot of things that are of great importance from the test point of view. The test asks all sorts of tricky questions that you might not consider in the real world. Practicing the following things with the subject will make you confident enough of scoring well in the test:
- Use the HTTP and HttpServlet methods and use sequence of the Servlet life cycle.
- Write code using the HttpServletRequest and HttpServletResponse interfaces.
- Describe the purpose and semantics of the deployment descriptor and construct the correct structure of the deployment descriptor and a WAR file.
- Write Servlet code for using various attribute scopes. Describe the use of a filter and a wrapper and write code to configure them.
- Describe the life cycle of a listener. Write Servlet code to create a request dispatcher and to forward and include the target resource.
- Write Servlet code to store objects into a session object and retrieve objects from a session object, and describe the mechanisms used to destroy the session object.
- Write code and deployment descriptor elements for using various security mechanisms. Compare the following authentication types: BASIC, DIGEST, FORM, and CLIENT-CERT.
- Write JSP code for different JSP elements including template text, scripting elements (comments, directives, declarations, scriptlets, and expressions), standard and custom actions, directives and expression language elements.
- Describe JSP page life cycle events for a given scenario and use the appropriate implicit objects in your code. Write code using different standard actions.
- Configure the deployment descriptor for deactivating the evaluation language and for deactivating the scripting language.
- Write code to include a JSP segment in another page and use an appropriate inclusion mechanism (the include directive or the jsp:include standard action).
- Write EL code to access the following in your code: implicit variables, property access (the . operator), collection access (the [] operator), arithmetic operators, relational operators, logical operators, and EL function.
- Create the taglib directive for a JSP page and write custom tag for a given design goal. Use an appropriate JSP Standard Tag Library (JSTL v1.1) tag from the core tag library.
- Describe the semantics of the classic custom tag event model and the simple tag model, and describe what is returned when each event method (doStartTag, doAfterBody, and doEndTag) is executed.
- Describe the semantics of the Tag File model, write a tag file, and explain the constraints on the JSP content in the body of the tag.
- Match design patterns with statements describing potential benefits that accrue from the use of the various J2EE patterns.